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All you are looking for in the ultimate Ibiza guide- What are the upcoming events in Ibiza? Clubbing, sport, musical, cultural events… Find whatever event you are looking for in our leisure events section

Upcoming events

Ibiza Beaches: The unmissable paradise

As obvious as it may seem, there may be somebody out there who will come to Ibiza and miss the endless beauty of its beaches. (Yes, we know how hard that is to believe, right?). Whether you visit us in…


A different Easter in Ibiza

Fortunate those visiting Ibiza at Easter, because they are the chosen ones who can see how, an island that has remained half asleep during the winter starts blooming. Jokes aside the start of the season on the island is the…


Because dads are the best

Like many European countries, Spain’s holidays are clearly influenced by the church. In fact, Father’s Day (March 19th) is celebrated on Saint Joseph’s Day. Saint Joseph is also the patron saint of the Catholic Church, immigrants, workers, carpenters, as well…


Let us tell you something

You may have heard this a million times. Or maybe you haven’t. “There isn’t only one Ibiza. Ibiza has several faces.” Let us tell you something. This is absolutely true. In fact, there couldn’t be a more accurate description of…


Welcome to our brand new blog!

Hello everybody! Hi Ibiza lovers from all over the world! Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your stay. This new space is created with the ultimate goal of placing Ibiza where it deserves. It aims to fit the endless sides of…
